Disclaimer - Find a Hand Surgeon

The American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH) is pleased to make the Find A Hand Surgeon research tool (FAHS) available to the public. FAHS is a directory of hand surgeons and is made available solely to serve as a resource for identifying hand surgeons based solely on location and the search criteria entered.
ASSH has not evaluated or screened any of the surgeons included in the FAHS and does not “approve”, “endorse” or make any statement whatsoever regarding the quality of care, capabilities or competency of any surgeon included in the FAHS directory. FAHS is not an inclusive or exhaustive list of all hand surgeons practicing or providing services in a city or geographic location.  Only those hand surgeons that are ASSH members are included in the FAHS. Individuals, including referring physicians and emergency departments, must rely solely on their own judgment in determining whether or not to seek treatment or care (or treatment or care for their patients) with a surgeon listed in the FAHS.
By using the FAHS, you expressly assume all risk of loss, harm or injury resulting from the use or misuse of such information. ASSH does not make any guarantee, representation or warranty, express or implied, at law or in equity, and expressly disclaims any and all such guarantees, representations or warranties whatsoever, as to the quality, capabilities, or experience of the surgeons included or listed in the FAHS. ASSH (including, without limitation, is officers, employees, and members) is not responsible for any injuries, claims, losses or damages that you (or any third party) may incur arising, directly or indirectly, out of your use of FAHS or decision to seek care from a surgeon listed in FAHS.